This collection of verbiage will equip you to share about giving via stock and crypto with your church. Simply copy-and-paste these blurbs into your social media channels, newsletters, and more!
Make an impact by donating stock. We've partnered with Overflow to make donating stock, even just one share, quick, easy, and secure. Plus, you could save up to 20%* in capital gains taxes and up to 37%** in federal income taxes when itemizing deductions based on your tax bracket and the charitable donation value of your gift.
To understand the full tax benefits of giving appreciated stock, including potential state tax savings, please consult with your tax professional.
If you can't give cash right now, would you consider a gift of stock instead? If your stock portfolio has done well this year, you can easily donate stock online to our church. We've partnered with Overflow to make donating stock an easy, 5-minute process that you can even do from your phone. Plus, there could be incredible tax benefits to donating stock instead of cash. Learn more here.
Donating stock can be one of the most tax-efficient ways to give. We've partnered with Overflow to make donating stock online quick, easy, and secure.
For more launch inspiration and guidance, check out the Church Launch Kit or download the Verbiage and Templates Guide for Churches by visiting this link.
*This assumes all realized gains are subject to the maximum federal long-term capital gains tax rate of 20%, and that the donor originally planned to sell the stock and contribute the net proceeds (less the capital gains tax) to charity. This does not take into account state or local taxes, if any.
**This assumes the top individual federal income tax bracket for a taxpayer that is itemizing tax deductions and does take into account Adjusted Gross Income limitations on charitable contributions. This does not take into account state or local taxes, if any.
Overflow does not provide tax, legal, compliance, or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal, compliance, or accounting advice. Your organization should consult its own tax, legal, compliance, and accounting advisors before sending or concluding any transaction, communication, or otherwise.
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